Attitude – The Little Engine That Could
“Make no small plans. They have no magic to stir men’s souls”, said Spencer W. Kimball.
Some years ago, I considered my own plans and questioned if I had set my sights to low?
Have you?
Perhaps doubts and fears kick in, along with feelings of inadequacy. You may even resign yourself to living a life of mediocrity and dissatisfaction.
Have you been there?
On occasion, I know I have. But what is really possible?
As a child I recall the story of “The Little Engine That Could.”
Remember the story of the engine that broke down…..
A big passenger engine, the freight engine and then an old engine passed by, but none of them would pull the train over the mountain. Then a little blue engine came by, she was not very big, and was only used in the yard and had never been over the mountain, but she said to herself “I think I can, I think I can.” So, she hooked herself up to the train and with all her might and determination, eventually climbed to the top of the mountain, then going down the other side said to herself “I thought I could, I thought I could”
Thomas S. Monson frequently stated that “Attitude determines altitude.”
Simply stated, fulfilling our potential in this life, depends primarily on our positive attitude, and the inner belief that we really can make a difference.
We can put our trust in the Lord and be positive.
Yet, our faith is often tested.
Choosing faith requires strength, not weakness.
With the help of Jesus Christ and as we exercise our faith in Him, I believe we can overcome any challenge and raise our vision higher.
I love this scripture from Isaiah 40:31 “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength; they will lift wings like eagles; they will run, and they will not tire; and walk, and do not faint.”
We must learn to hope, to dream big, to set goals and to take action.