Tag Archive for: joyfully

Joyfully United Together

On Saturday, I travelled to Vienna in Austria, with my fellow church leaders from Belgium and the Netherlands.
Starting very early, and finishing extremely late, made for one very long day!
Why go all that way for a few hours, I hear you say?
Well, we were able to meet with Elder D. Todd Christofferson, an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, in an Area Leadership Meeting along with other General Authorities of the church.
We gathered with other country church leaders from throughout Europe.
One word was prevalent throughout the sessions ā€“ š‰šŽš˜!
How do you find joy today?
The answer was clear and simple.
Begin with your focus on Jesus Christ.
Connect to Him.
Connect to Him through the ordinances of His Gospel.
Connect to Him through the community of Saints.
Being together was not only a spiritual feast, but it was also a joy to associate with so many great friends from throughout Europe.
I especially loved meeting up with my dear friends Signe and Mike, who Iā€™d last seen 5 years ago in Vienna, whilst we worked together in our respective Public Affairs and Communication roles.
A day never to be forgotten for sure.
I was grateful the next day, Sunday, our Sabbath day, its also well known by an alternative name ā€“ a day of rest!
I was in need of a bit of that šŸ˜Š
If you are looking for more joy in your life, then speak with the missionaries ā€“ they will help!