Tag Archive for: attitude
Too daunting?
So, what can you do?
Some top tips for those around us who may be a little negative.
- Counteract their negativity, with your positivity.
- Focus on their virtues, not their faults.
- Even if they have some negative comments, look for the positive in them.
- Be honest with them and share how their comments make you feel.
- Discuss with them what’s going well in their life.
- Set your own boundaries and ask yourself how much you are going to allow others to influence you.
Attitude – The Little Engine That Could

Eat Cake
How do you cope with failure? Coping with failure and disappointment are never easy…
Like you, I’ve had my fair share.
Early in my career, I was in charge of a major event that ended up being an absolute disaster. It was just awful, embarrassing, ending up with an extremely upset client.
I recall returning home late that evening considering what I should do next. Our team’s efforts had fallen woefully short of client expectations.
After wallowing in the mire for a few hours and dealing with the personal disappointment – to make me feel better, I turned to some comfort food for immediate relief! I ate cake!….For a brief moment it helped the negative emotions.
On quiet reflection I thought – “What the heck – we can do better than this”.
Key for me in that one experience included learning not to take the disaster personally, letting go of the immediate emotional baggage that arose, reflect and consider on the why of the failure, accept it, then move on.
I recall I visited the client the next day, apologised profusely, agreed some financial compensation – then moved on. Over the years though, I must confess to having eaten a few of those cakes! What have you learned from failure?
Eaten much cake lately!?