Revisiting the Vineyard

Family and business matters took Monic and me back to Belgium and the Netherlands this week.
It’s been over six months since we were last there together, and it felt like coming home – even more so for Monic!
With the kind permission of the new mission leaders, we were able to spend a little time visiting some of our former missionaries who are still serving in the countries.
What a reunion it was!
The air was filled with laughter, the sharing of stories, a few tears of joy, and, of course, countless warm hugs.
It was a moment to cherish and one that reminded us of the deep bonds of friendship and love, formed through our shared service.
Seeing everyone again was more than just a pleasant visit, it was a time to reflect and reminisce.
We recounted the countless memories we had shared: spiritual milestones, hard-fought lessons, and small victories that had brought us all closer to each other and the Saviour.
These young people taught us so much about resilience, faith, and the joy of missionary work.


It was a privilege to see how much they had grown and to be reminded of the lasting impact of the gospel.
As I reflected on the special relationships formed during those years, Paul’s words in Philippians came to mind: “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy, For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now” (Philippians 1:3-5).
How fitting this scripture is to capture the joy and gratitude of reconnecting with those who have been a huge part of such a meaningful chapter in our lives.
Special times like these are extremely rare and very precious.
They remind us of the eternal nature of the relationships we build through service and the joy that comes from working together in the vineyard of the Lord.
What memories or connections have brought you the greatest joy recently?
How have they strengthened your faith or reminded you of the Lord’s hand in your life?