Habits that shape us

As 2025 begins, I’ve been considering the habits I’ve developed over the years – the small, steady practices that have shaped who I am today.
Daily journaling, something I began decades ago, has grown into something far more meaningful, even inspiring me to finish my book this year.
It reminds me that the smallest, most consistent actions can lead to unexpected and fulfilling results.
This year feels like an opportunity to build on those routines and make them even more purposeful.
Our daily walks, for instance, could become a time for deeper reflection, meaningful conversations and they’re certainly helping me prepare for the West Highland Way’s 96 miles in May!
I think my writing could even evolve into exploring new forms.
For instance more storytelling or allowing creativity to stretch me in new directions – poetry perhaps!
As we slow down and notice our positive habits, they seem to have a way of growing with us.
What starts as a small step, making time for gratitude, connecting with others, or simply being in the moment and present, can compound over time, shaping our lives in powerful ways.
What good habits or productive practices have shaped your life in recent years?
As you look ahead to 2025, how might you take them further or adapt them to your current needs?
I’d love to hear what’s worked for you – your journey might just inspire someone else to start theirs…