I celebrated my birthday in lockdown yesterday. One of my daughters posted this picture of me on my Facebook page, which she’d obviously kept hidden from me for a while! 😊
It’s from a few months ago, atop one of my favourite visitor attractions, the Wallace Monument in Stirling, Scotland.
As I recall, it was a relatively clear day. There was however a gale force wind howling all around the top of the Monument, blowing visitors in every direction. As I looked at the photo, it occurred to me – the wind was so strong that just to stand still and in order to stand straight, I had to lean into the wind.
Figuratively speaking, there are some mighty strong winds, whirlwinds even, howling all around us at this very moment in time.
I sense too that many may feel that they are being tossed to and fro in this perilous storm of global turmoil.
My invitation today is a simple one, consider what you need to do to stand tall – lean into the wind and figure out what you need to do in the current storm.
Step by step, little by little, you can and will get through this.
Like all real storms, the winds will eventually pass.