
How often do you recharge your personal “life” batteries?

Whilst addressing a group of 18 – 30 year olds recently, I asked them how often they plugged in their smartphone to charge. Their response – daily, mostly overnight, one had a super turbo charge of 20 minutes! What was their charge at that moment in time? Everything from 27% to 97%. Daily usage drains power.

When we plug in our smartphone every night, we recognise that this device is not actually self sufficient. Smartphones require maintenance and recharging in order to function at their best. In a like manner, we know we need to plug in to recharge. After all, we have physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional needs.

When working with individuals and teams, frequently we pinpoint together what it is that might be draining their energy or “power.” A difficult boss, facing up to a challenging conversation, overwhelmed with too much work, a family problem etc.

Keeping a smartphone charged isn’t something you do just once and forget about it, it requires to be plugged in daily.

What’s your personal charge like today?

Top Tips
– Take some me time and switch off
– Slow down, consider what matters most
– Step away from the issue
– Exercise and have some fun
– Meditate
– Establish daily habits