
So, what a week that was. Seven days, eight places, people, presentations and I’m done with driving…at least for a while!

Preston, Chorley, Warwick, Luton, Westminster, Tunbridge Wells, Crawley, Cranfield and a long drive home. A full on tour of England and motorways! I met up with lots of old friends and former colleagues. In addition I made many new friends and had the chance to interact with people of all different ages in a variety of settings, workshops, meetings and presentations. It was brilliant! In fact I loved it! However, whilst in my 20’s, I was passionate about driving, now in my 50’s, well…enough said! But, for a host of different reasons, I was committed to make the journey.

Over the past few months, I’d made several commitments, to various people and organisations. Commitment as a word, cannot stand alone. We must always ask, “Committed to what?” I recognise too that we cannot become something without commitment.

The journey of success is long and is dotted with a series of commitments to worthy goals in life. A person does not become committed to worthwhile goals just by making a declaration or decision. It is through daily progression toward established purposes.

The time to commit and recommit is now.

What are you committed to?