Tag Archive for: Sharing


These are days never to be forgotten.
On Monday, approximately 60 missionaries gathered in Spijkenisse.
It was a day of community outreach to find and teach many new people about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Local Missionaries, Miles Cummard, Turner Edelman and M Nathaniel de Jong, along with other local members in the area, had already done a lot of planning and preparation for everyone’s arrival.
After gathering for instruction, a few one-on-one interviews, a lovely lunch together, and after a prayer, filled with faith, they headed off to work.
It was most certainly a blitz – “a sudden concerted effort to deal with something”.
Over the course of the next few hours, the missionaries literally spoke with everyone they met.
Missionaries love to share thoughts and ideas with others, especially about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
They invite people to:
Come and See – the blessings that people can receive through Jesus Christ and His Gospel.
Come and Serve – others in need.
Come and Belong – as members of the restored Church of Jesus Christ.
Missionary work is finding people, teaching them, and helping them prepare for baptism.
On Monday, they extended 100’s of invitations to many people.
And the result?
The local missionaries are now exceptionally busy, visiting with lots of new friends.
If you’d like to know more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, then simply stop and speak with one of our missionaries today.


It was an afterthought.
Leaving for the office yesterday afternoon, I nipped back upstairs and picked up my box of CCS cards.

The Task

Later, as I started the meeting, I asked each participant to consider a question and then select three cards they regarded to be an answer to the question I posed.
Each participant was holding an identical pack of cards, with the same photographs, illustrations, and words.
Attentively, I watched as each member of the council started to thumb through the deck and select some images that captured their personal point of view.
I smiled, as I watched their faces light up, obviously amused as they shared and compared images with one another, they’d found interesting.
I was struck by their concentration, and evident delight in finding suitable cards that meant something to them in answer to the question I’d asked.


Then, after some time, in our safe space, it was time to share.
I explained a little and observed again.
Quietly, deeply, respectfully, each person asked themselves “what is it that I most want to communicate”?
Randomly, one by one, each person articulated their thoughts with great depth of clarity and understanding, allowing them to speak about what was in their hearts and minds.
The personal insights shared were powerful and thought provoking.
Each participant said something that was true for them and everyone else respectfully listened.
It was clear as participants felt safe to share their half-formed ideas, and discover new meanings in a simple image, the energy in the room began to gather, and the atmosphere started to deepen for the dialogue that followed.


The purpose of the simple activity was to help participants to uncover and talk about their thoughts on the given subject.
Instead of getting down to business straight away as normal, it was just really nice to pause, talk and meet together as fellow human beings, by engaging in a meaningful conversation in a fun way.
It has been my experience as a facilitator, that saying something in a friendly, respectful, and informal way, early in a gathering, can set a pattern of full participation that can help maintain energy levels throughout any meeting.
Setting the scene yesterday, opened up a new way to ensure authentic dialogue throughout our meeting together, where crucially we really listened to one another.
How do you ensure authentic dialogue in your meetings?

Christmas Memories

This Christmas season has brought many opportunities to spend time together making memories.
Over the last few months, there have been a number of missionaries who have brought the piano in the mission home to life by playing some wonderful musical numbers.
In our family, over the last couple of days each of us have shared our piano skills.
Yesterday, patiently, lovingly, carefully, Cristi spent an hour or so, practicing some simple Christmas melodies on the piano.
Very slowly and with a little more attention, her confidence grew.
It was the first time she’d sat in front of a piano for many years.
I watched, I listened, I encouraged and occasionally annoyed her too! Dads are good at that sometimes! But for me, I enjoyed the music and simplicity of the tunes. It’ll be an abiding memory that will stick with me for many years to come.
Through it all was family time, with loved ones both near and far.
Catching up, telling stories, playing games, enjoying a delicious meal, video calls and reminiscing on Christmas’s past. It’s just about spending time together, talking, laughing, sharing, serving, loving, and making memories.
There were far fewer gifts this year, but what I learned is that creating good memories are real blessings.
The spirit of service was very real in our home yesterday.
May we give as the Saviour gave.
I learned too that families don’t really want or need anything from you, but your love, your time, and your memories.
Think on your own life.
What abiding memories do you have of Christmas past and present?


“Would you like to play something on the piano?” I asked.
Yesterday, before going out to eat at a local pannekoekenhuis, we had a visit at home from our sister missionaries.
I know that Samantha Greenhalgh has been gifted with a wonderful talent and loves to play the piano. So, I pointed out some music sheets and invited her to take a seat. Seconds later, the room was filled with a beautiful melody. She chose not to select any of the music, rather play something from memory that was elegant and pleasing.
The short musical interlude lasted only a few minutes, but it brought peace and joy to those who were able to sit and listen for those few moments in time. I even captured a little smile from Samantha too! 😊
Each of us have been blessed with different talents, gifts and abilities by our Heavenly Father. We have the responsibility to develop the talents that we have been given. Listening to her play the piano yesterday, it was very evident that Samantha has devoted many hours to developing her talent.
– What talents have you been gifted with?
– Have you discovered them yet?
Spending time to develop your talents, through practice, regular effort and sharing, are key principles to allow it to grow.
Consider the talents you have been blessed with and who knows, it may not be too long before you’ll be sat playing the piano, or even winning an Olympic medal!
Go on, give it a go!


“Life is about creating and living experiences that are worth sharing.” – Steve Jobs

We need to talk about what we’re learning.  Continuous learning is one of the keys to success in life, no matter what you do.  A phrase I have heard a lot recently during many coaching conversations is that “sharing is caring”.   For children, sharing can be a difficult challenge to master, but an important one to learn and carry into adulthood.

As a coach and learning facilitator, frequently I share thoughts, ideas and insights to help others meet some of their challenges in the workplace or in their own life, one by one or in a workshop.  The knowledge comes from my own experiences, personal learning & study, but also what has been shared with me.

In our technology savvy world, we live in an age of sharing. Mark Zuckerberg wrote when setting up Facebook –  “I wanted to create an environment where people could share whatever information they wanted, but also have control over whom they shared that information with.”

Sharing – “to give a portion of (something) to another or others”.  There are some real benefits to sharing:

  1. It builds trust
  2. You feel good
  3. It brings things to life
  4. It creates understanding
  5. It makes things real

Show you care today and share.