Healing Hurts
After breaking my collar bone last Wednesday (see picture), the last few days, I’ve discovered a little about physical aches, discomfort and pain.
However, it is not only me that is hurting.
Not only can we suffer physical discomfort and pain, sometimes thoughtless, insensitive, blunt, or inconsiderate remarks can hurt feelings too.
Look around, there isn’t likely to be anyone who hasn’t been hurt and there isn’t likely to be one of us, who hasn’t hurt others.
At times, we may not even be aware of our careless remarks or comments.
Regretfully, I know I have made some insensitive comments at times.
Every day someone is hurting.
I am aware that as each day has gone by, I have started to heal.
However, it requires time, work, action, and energy too.
I’ve experienced that healing also hurts, just like a broken collar bone needs time to heal and repair itself.
I wear a sling and take paracetamol to help ease the pain.
Are you brooding over something?
Have your feelings been hurt by someone or perhaps you have made some poor decisions recently and you are sore?
As in the healing process of my broken collar bone, so injured feelings or hurts of the heart, can only be healed, when we choose not to nurse them too long, by taking prescribed medications – whatever those may be, and in time get ourselves up and about.
The timeline of healing is different for everyone, one day at a time.
Its also full of many ups and downs.
Healing happens through the process of living and taking action.
Look out for someone on your path today who is afraid, hurting, or in need of a friend.
Why not reach out to help them heal.