Tag Archive for: friendship


Last night, I had the chance to meet up with some dear friends and fellow coaches, Philip Atkinson and Dave Kesby.
I joined with many other guests for the launch of Philip’s leadership book “Bee Wise” at the Royal Over-Seas League in London.
Philip is not only a remarkable Organisational Coach, but he is also a beekeeper and an accomplished one at that.
In his book he “lifts the lid on what happens inside a hard-working hive and uses this as a refreshing metaphor to examine working life.”
In essence, “the beehive is the ultimate business case of complex organisations and working life today.”
Philip gifted me a limited-edition hard copy of his book around Christmas time, and I’ve loved perusing it ever since.
The book considers twelve key topics relevant for leadership in organisations today, including change, communication, continuous learning, decision making, diversity, purpose, productivity, teamwork and many more, all through the fascinating metaphor of an industrious beehive.
I’ve discovered a few favourite chapters and understand a little more about the life of bees, and the lessons they can teach us.
Dave was one of 12 guest writers who Philip partnered with to share additional or alternative views, helping to create a community of shared thinking or in other words some hive-logic!
Last night was not just about celebrating the launch of a book; it was about celebrating friendship, shared learning, and the power of collaboration.
Spending time with Philip, Dave, and so many like-minded professionals reminded me of the importance of community and the strength we find in exchanging ideas.
Philip’s ability to weave wisdom and leadership lessons from the natural world into our working lives is truly inspiring.
I wish you every success Philip with “Bee Wise” – may it continue to spark meaningful conversations and insightful reflections in organisations far and wide!
And to all those who have yet to pick up a copy, I wholeheartedly encourage you to dive in and discover the buzz for yourselves! 🐝
Bees thrive on teamwork; just as great leaders foster collaboration – I have a free limited edition signed hard copy to give away!
Tag a colleague, mentor, or friend who embodies the spirit of teamwork and share why they inspire you below.
I’ll pick a winner and send the signed copy to one lucky participant!

Revisiting the Vineyard

Family and business matters took Monic and me back to Belgium and the Netherlands this week.
It’s been over six months since we were last there together, and it felt like coming home – even more so for Monic!
With the kind permission of the new mission leaders, we were able to spend a little time visiting some of our former missionaries who are still serving in the countries.
What a reunion it was!
The air was filled with laughter, the sharing of stories, a few tears of joy, and, of course, countless warm hugs.
It was a moment to cherish and one that reminded us of the deep bonds of friendship and love, formed through our shared service.
Seeing everyone again was more than just a pleasant visit, it was a time to reflect and reminisce.
We recounted the countless memories we had shared: spiritual milestones, hard-fought lessons, and small victories that had brought us all closer to each other and the Saviour.
These young people taught us so much about resilience, faith, and the joy of missionary work.


It was a privilege to see how much they had grown and to be reminded of the lasting impact of the gospel.
As I reflected on the special relationships formed during those years, Paul’s words in Philippians came to mind: “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy, For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now” (Philippians 1:3-5).
How fitting this scripture is to capture the joy and gratitude of reconnecting with those who have been a huge part of such a meaningful chapter in our lives.
Special times like these are extremely rare and very precious.
They remind us of the eternal nature of the relationships we build through service and the joy that comes from working together in the vineyard of the Lord.
What memories or connections have brought you the greatest joy recently?
How have they strengthened your faith or reminded you of the Lord’s hand in your life?

Are you following me?

My dear friend, Paul and I have a few things in common…
We were both born and raised in Dunfermline.
We both got married to someone from abroad.
We both have three children.
We both work in learning and development.
We both served in the England London Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 
We both served as Bishop of the Dunfermline Ward.
We both served as President of the Dundee Scotland Stake, me 2005 – 2014 and Paul currently.

Chance Encounters

And if the last few Saturday mornings are anything to go by, we both enjoy walking to fulfil our church Ministering assignments at the very same time!
As we’ve crossed paths in virtually the same spot these last few weeks, it’s become a bit of a running joke.
“𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏? 𝑨𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒆, 𝒐𝒓 𝒂𝒎 𝑰 𝒇𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖?”
These chance encounters have added a touch of humour and a smile to our faces in our shared commitment to serve others.
Whilst he is heading north, I am heading south!
Ministering has always held a special place in both of our hearts.
There’s something deeply rewarding about reaching out to others, offering a listening ear, a kind word, or simply letting someone know they’re remembered and loved.
It’s not just a duty; it’s a privilege – a way to follow the Saviour’s example of service and compassion.
We both share a passion for this work.
Even now, as it is his turn to carry the mantle of Stake President, his dedication to these simple but significant acts of care is inspiring.
We both know that real joy in ministering comes not from grand gestures, but from consistent, small acts of love and service.
And yet, life has a way of adding a touch of humour to even the most heartfelt endeavours.
It’s a light-hearted reminder that ministering doesn’t have to be stiff or overly formal, it’s about connection, warmth, and even a good laugh along the way.
As I reflect on these moments, I feel a deep sense of gratitude for Paul, for his leadership, friendship, and example.
Serving alongside him in this way reminds me that ministering is more than a responsibility; it’s a joyful journey we share together, one visit at a time.
What small acts of love and service have brought a smile to your face lately?

Warm Hearts, Cold Days.

Weeks in the planning, Raymond, Paul, Mike, and I set off for the temple in Preston last Tuesday, for three days away together.
It was a journey that proved to be both heartwarming and nostalgic, taking us down memory lane to recall much simpler times of a bygone era.
The trip had its roots in an initial conversation between Raymond and me several weeks ago.
What began as a casual chat, eventually grew into a plan, culminating in our journey this week.
For Raymond, it had been several years since he was last able to visit the temple, between covid times and health challenges keeping him away.

Planning & Logistics

After lengthy discussions with staff at his care home and with other family members, we were delighted to receive the green light to proceed.
However, the logistics required no small amount of effort.
Booking a specialist vehicle, arranging disabled accommodation at the temple, obtaining the necessary recommendations, and figuring out his care requirements were all hurdles we had to overcome.
Add to that the bitterly cold, freezing temperatures and the challenge of manoeuvring Raymond and his wheelchair into the back of the accessible vehicle, proved quite the operation!
Yet somehow, we managed it all.

The Rewards

The reward was three days of service in the temple, filled with gentle camaraderie and timeless moments that felt truly idyllic.

We certainly liked to tease one another – a lot!
Being at the temple and the shared purpose brought a sense of peace and togetherness that was both comforting and uplifting.
As we ministered to one another, sharing acts of love and kindness, I was reminded of Galatians 6:2, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”
The experience was a wonderful reminder of the power of friendship, careful planning, and staying young at heart despite life’s challenges.
This trip wasn’t just about the temple, on reflection it was also about the bonds between us.
Through witty banter, shared memories, and quiet reflections, we experienced a kind of cheerful resilience and a reminder of what truly matters in life.
It was charming, heartwarming, and an experience that we’ll treasure for years to come.
What cherished memories or moments of ministering have brought you joy and strengthened your bonds with others?


Meeting the Gubler family last week was fun.
Last year, we met their oldest son Henry, for the first time, when he arrived in the Belgium Netherlands Mission (BNZ).
Although we’d heard a little about his family, it was a delight to finally meet with them.
Together, we enjoyed a lovely lunch in Culross.
Our time was filled with love, joyful stories, and a few laughs, especially when Zack got a little excited by his glass of lime and lemonade!
Shared experiences have a unique way of bringing people closer, creating bonds that will last a lifetime and beyond.
Sometimes we never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
Not only do we have lovely memories of being with Henry in the mission field, but we also now have a memory of a special time with his whole family.
This shared history is what makes relationships with family, friends and loved ones so meaningful.
There is something about shared memories that create a sense of belonging.
When you make memories with others, you feel part of something bigger than yourself.
Whether its with family, new friends, or missionaries in the BNZ, it’s my experience that creating memories and remembering them, fosters a sense of togetherness and belonging that builds a unique and powerful bond for all of us.
These priceless treasures we call memories, are the glue that makes our relationships stronger.
I am so glad that we all made time for each other.
Good memories are real blessings to remember and never forget.
Remembering is not only a good and practical thing to do, but it’s also a scriptural practice.
Our relationship with Jesus Christ, is built upon remembering Him.
When the Saviour instituted the sacrament, He invited His disciples to partake of the emblems “in remembrance” of His sacrifice.
In every sacrament prayer each Sunday, we hear, the word always preceding the word remember.
And in the Book of Mormon, during King Benjamin’s final address, he used the word remember seven times.
He hoped that his people would remember “the greatness of God … and his goodness and long-suffering” toward them. – Mosiah 4:11.
My invitation – when you recall your memories, remember how your Father in Heaven has blessed you too.

Fleeting Visit

Yesterday, I had the briefest of opportunities to meet up with one of our returned missionaries Libby Wilcox, whilst she was visiting in Scotland for a couple of days with her mum and sisters.
It was the first of what I’m sure will be many visits from our missionaries who we served with in Belgium and the Netherlands.
We kept our visit simple. We only had 2 hours!
It was great fun to reminisce.
Visiting the Wallace Monument in Stirling and chatting over lunch, was special.


We shared a few life updates.
Sharing feelings about our stories together was memorable.
But just being able to be close and hold tightly to those who matter most, was best of all.
Life is one of those precious fleeting gifts, and everything can change in a heartbeat.
It really helps to slow things down.
Simplify things.
Enjoy the moment.
Take one step, one piece, one chunk, one bite at a time.
And remember, loving one another is so supremely important.
“𝑭𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈” – something that happens really fast, or something that doesn’t last as long as you’d like.
Hans Christian Andersen, a great story writer, said this: “Time is so fleeting that if we do not remember God in our youth, age may find us incapable of thinking of him.”
And in the Book of Mormon, the Prophet Alma said: “… learn wisdom in thy youth; yea, learn in thy youth to keep the commandments of God. ” Alma: 37:35.
Working with 300+ youthful (18 – 26 year old) missionaries has taught me that we have to be present and always enjoy the moments we have together, as life is fleeting.
In hindsight, I can so relate to Jacob 7:26 “…the time passed away with us, and also our lives passed away like as it were unto us a dream…”
Jacob describes the fleeting moments and hours of our life so well.
Moments simply blend into hours, hours into days, days into years, years into decades.
Being with Libby yesterday, was real, I know it wasn’t a dream.
How can you slow down those fleeting moments today?

Tuesday Mornings…

Tuesday mornings aren’t going to be quite the same anymore!
For the last 3 years, Jurgen, Chris and I would spend an hour online together as a Mission Presidency, counselling about all of the important matters of running the Belgium Netherlands Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


Whilst the missionaries were starting their Preparation Day (P-Day) we’d be counselling together to address the salient challenges of the week.
And there was always lots to talk about.
Although we met weekly, I think hardly one day has passed by that I haven’t spoken with either Jurgen or Chris.
The wise writer of Proverbs tells us that “in … counsellors there is safety.” (Prov. 11:14.)
Counselling together with one another was a constant.
We’d counsel together in order to reach a united conclusion, to help us know the direction we intended to pursue was in harmony with the Lord’s will.


The three of us never sought out these assignments, we were simply asked by a church leader to serve, giving many hours voluntarily every week.
It’s been a labour of love for all of us.
Over the last 3 years we have developed a strong bond of friendship too.
On Sunday evening, I took a trip up to Zwolle, with the Assistants, to spend some final moments with Jurgen, Analía, and Christel.
I took some time to release Jurgen from his responsibilities in the Mission Presidency and we enjoyed the opportunity to reminisce for a while too.
One of our sweetest memories was when we set up an experimental “Social Media District” for a few months. Lots of lessons were learned together as Jurgen, Analia and Christel spent many long hours working with many missionaries in the office together in Gouda.
For several months, Christel was travelling almost daily between Zwolle and Gouda, as we built some momentum in our social media efforts.
Days never to be forgotten, for sure!
Helen Keller said “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched — they must be felt with the heart.”
As I recall the sweet memories made with my dear friends, I know that it is all about what we have all felt in our hearts together.
Thank you for all the memories.
Until we meet again dear friends.

Goodbyes aren’t easy…

As the curtain comes down on our time here in Belgium and the Netherlands, we have become accustomed to departing meetings and fond farewells.
These last few weeks we have shared many tender-hearted goodbye moments.
One of the sweetest was saying farewell to Chris Kleijweg and releasing him too, from his responsibility in the Mission Presidency, whilst in Gouda on Monday.
We have been acquainted with one another for nearly 20 years through various church responsibilities and assignments in Europe together.
Over these last three years working alongside one another so closely and counselling with each another on many occasions, teaching, travelling and meeting together has been a real joy.
Chris’s knowledge of everything in the Netherlands along with his persistence, wisdom and love have been boundless in the hastening pursuit of the work of salvation and exaltation.
Our friendship will last long after these moments of service together, so says Richard Bach; “A farewell is necessary before we can meet again, and meeting again, after moments or a lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.”
I will miss our frequent and regular associations together.
“The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again” – says Charles Dickens.
Until me meet again dear friend.

The Best Ships are Friendships

These last three years we have formed so many of the most incredible new and enduring, fun filled, love inspired, collective friendships of our life’s.
I consider these friendships to be among the sweetest and most valuable of my entire life.
I love these words from Music and the Spoken Word from March 2019…
“There are wooden ships, there are sailing ships, there are ships that sail the sea. But the best ships are friendships, and may they always be.”
How else can we possibly expect to make it across life’s rough seas?
Friendships make the voyage not only possible but also enjoyable.
Among life’s richest blessings is friendship.
And while the waves and winds may separate good friends for a time—even years—when they reunite, the time and distance fade almost instantly.
Perhaps you’ve had an experience similar to that of two dear friends who lost contact with each other.
Many years and many miles later, one of them remembered and missed their bond of friendship, so he decided to take the initiative to find his friend.
After decades apart, the friends reconnected, and the joyous reunion melted the years away. Their hearts filled with happiness and fond memories as they laughed together and shared tender feelings. It was as if they had never parted—as if they still lived in the same town and shared the same experiences.
Most of us can remember friends who have touched our lives for good over the years. Some of those friends may now be gone, but the memory of their love, example, and goodness can still lift and inspire us. The love and trust, the listening and caring, the shared time and experiences never really leave us, because they have made us who we are.
Although we may sometimes appear to be independently strong, no one crosses life’s waters alone. We need to have—and need to be—true friends. A meditation by the poet John Donne inspired these lyrics that capture an enduring truth:
No man is an island;
No man stands alone.
Each man’s joy is joy to me;
Each man’s grief is my own.
We need one another,
So I will defend
Each man as my brother,
Each man as my friend.”
Perhaps the lesson for all of us is to consider again the importance of each of our friendships and nurture them with tender love and care, having some fun along the way.”
We need deep, satisfying and loyal friendships with each other.
How do you build and maintain your friendships?

The Mission Presidency

“What’s the function of the Mission Presidency?” – I was asked.
Arriving during covid times in June 2021, it was November before counsellors were appointed.
Over those few months, after discussions with several candidates and after taking it to the Lord in prayer, it was abundantly clear that I should have Chris Kleijweg and Jurgen Hoole serve as my Counsellors.
Both Chris and Jurgen have a wealth of knowledge and experience of the church throughout Belgium and the Netherlands.
Two counsellors are always called to assist a mission president with his responsibilities.
We meet regularly, usually weekly, either using technology or in person, to counsel about missionary work, and talk together almost daily.


The wise writer of Proverbs tells us that “in … counsellors there is safety.” (Prov. 11:14.)
Counselling together with one another is constant.
When problems arise, when difficult decisions face us, it is wonderful to be able to talk together in confidence and trust.
When the three of us unite in prayer to discuss a concern, we seek the impressions and direction of the Spirit. We counsel together in order to reach a united conclusion, to help us know that the decision is in harmony with the Lord’s will.
We each have specific responsibilities including teaching, finding, social media, office administration, working with local leaders, service missionaries, finance, leadership, youth, young adults, new members, senior couples etc.
Each of us have a sense of responsibility for the whole mission.
We are united.


Over the last 18 months we have developed strong bond of friendship. We are very different, with different family situations and life experience, yet we love being together, especially at Zone Conferences!
We laugh, we cry, we help, we support, we travel, we share, we teach, we interview, we listen, we problem solve, we attend meetings, and we are always on call 24/7, prepared to drop everything at a moment’s notice and go and assist missionaries wherever they are.
Interestingly, in the church, we have a lay ministry.
Chris, Jurgen or I never sought out these assignments, we were simply asked by a church leader to serve, giving many hours voluntarily every week. It’s wonderful!
We invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and his Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end.
In summary, the function of the Presidency is to prepare, counsel, teach, minister, and lead the Belgium Netherlands Mission.