Tag Archive for: father

Echoes of Dad’s Love

And just like that…
In the blink of an eye…
It’s been twenty years, since his passing on 16th January 2005.
Yesterday, we gathered to honour the memory of our dad.
“Giant Jacky” – as he was fondly known.
Mum is moving a little slower, her eyesight a little dimmer, but nevertheless, the matriarch of our clan, stoically presses forward, loved by so many.
The memories shared once more were special.
At the graveside, Paul shared about why the burial plot was secured in earshot of the railway line.
Mum even shared a new story about a poem dad had written for her, that she found after he’d passed to the other side of the veil.
It was a sweet recollection of his poetry prowess.
We miss him.
Many miss him.
Being together.
Laughing together.
Storytelling together.
Eating together.
His legacy of love, humour, and faith lives on through each of us.
As we reminisced, we were reminded that the influence of a great father never truly fades.
Do you have a special memory perhaps of “Jacky”.
If you knew him, we’d love to hear your story about him.
Please share, it would be lovely to hear it…