Tag Archive for: coincidence


For those of us who have put our faith and trust in God, there seems to be a lot of “coincidences.”
I believe that God puts people in our way for a reason and He was at work again this week, with my dear friend Derek.
We were talking about recognising “hand of the Lord” moments in our life, when he introduced me to the term “𝑮𝒐𝒅-𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆.”
It was the very first time I’d heard such a phrase.
“𝐆𝐨𝐝-𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞” – A happening exceeding happenstance.
The hand of the Lord, divine design, divine signatures, divine appointment, divinely orchestrated, providential coincidences, or even… strikingly juxtaposed events!
I encourage you to reflect on the sheer ‘coincidences’ in your life.
Could they be ‘God-incidences?

You decide!

Does any of this sound familiar?
“That is simply not possible.”
“Wasn’t that just perfect timing?”
“And you just happened to be in the right place at the right time.”
“I couldn’t have planned that better if I’d tried.”
“It just so happened that in that moment…”
God doesn’t work by coincidence.
I believe in God-incidence.
And this is not a faith specific phenomenon.
It occurs in all faiths and beliefs.
And yet, it baffles believers and sceptics alike.
I also believe all things are crafted by God — including time.
He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent!
Nothing is random with Him.
If you are devoted to Jesus Christ, I am sure you’ll notice God-incidence, yet many will argue simply human coincidence.
However, I know that Jesus Christ is a loving God and He has intentional plans for each of us.
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.” – Psalms 37:23
Let’s expect Him to be at work, in our day, every day!
Look very carefully at your own life today.
Watch and see those God-incidences unfold…

Small and Simple Things

Time is precious for all of us, isn’t it?
Even more so when serving a mission.
Every minute of every day often has to be accounted for.
In my morning prayers I always ask that I may see the hand of the Lord manifest in some way.
Last Saturday, coming back from our weekly shopping, I mentioned to Monic that I really needed to get the car washed that day.
It had been several weeks since I’d last washed it, but sadly the local car wash had just been closed and there wasn’t another nearby, in fact its several miles away.
We had several other more important things to do on Saturday in preparation for a very busy weekend, and an even busier week ahead.
I never mentioned it again.
Within an hour, the doorbell rang.
Two teenage girls stood at the door.
They held up a home-made cardboard price list and said they were hoping to earn some holiday money by washing cars in the neighbourhood.
I readily agreed.
They set to work, and within 30 minutes the car was spotlessly clean.
We have lived in this house for 1 year, 10 months and 22 days or to be more precise 691 days.
Never before to our knowledge, had anyone come to the door, offering to wash the car.
But within minutes of our need, an answer came.
Yes, it’s a small and simple thing.
Coincidence – perhaps?
Tender mercy – perhaps?
You choose.
Small and simple things often happen in our life, but do we put them down to coincidence or are they a tender mercy from the Lord?
How have you seen the hand of the Lord in your life recently?

Coincidence or Tender Mercy?

Looking Back and Moving Forward.
When – April 2008 (16 years ago)
Where – Conference Centre, Salt Lake City, Utah.
What – General Conference Weekend
Who – the Kleijwegs and the Watsons
Why – I met Chris Kleijweg and Kenneth Johnson for the first time in October 2005, when they extended a call to me to serve as President of the Dundee Scotland Stake. A few weeks later Chris challenged me to attend General Conference with our new Stake Presidency, together with our wife’s.
A year passed by, and Chris’s church assignment changed.
We lost contact.
Little did he know that we were planning a trip to Salt Lake City for the conference sessions in the spring of 2008. It turned out to be the weekend when Thomas S. Monson was sustained as President of the Church.
And then the coincidence. Or was it?
Walking out of the conference centre, that holds 21,000 people, who do we bump into, in the crowds? – the Kleijweg’s!
It was a beautiful reunion.
Little did we know that they would be there!


Recently, I shared this quote from Gerald N. Lund and I want to share it again… “Sometimes blessings come in such an unusual manner and with such precise timing that they accomplish something in addition to blessing us. They so clearly confirm the reality of God’s existence that they buoy us up in times of trials.”
I believe that a coincidence is not a coincidence when the Lord is involved in what happens. It is in fact His hand, His divine signature if you will.
He is much more involved in our daily lives than we give Him credit for. His Heavenly influence can and does impact the direction of people’s lives, and those things that move God’s work along amongst His children.
As the years passed by, we were both assigned in Public Affairs & Communications, in the UK and the Netherlands respectively.
Recently the roles were reversed, when I called Chris to be a counsellor in the Presidency of the Belgium Netherlands Mission, along with a new friend, Jurgen Hoole.
I know that some of the sweetest experiences in my life have come as I feel His promptings as He directs His work.
Likewise, I also know that when we are striving to do God’s will, He is anxious to bless each one of us with incredible “coincidences” – or in scriptural terms, “a tender mercy of the Lord”.
The Lord’s house is a house of order, and I know He is in charge.


“That simply cannot be…” I thought puzzlingly to myself – “another 𝒄𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆?”
Let me explain……
Coincidence – “an occasion when two or more similar things happen at the same time, especially in a way that is unlikely and surprising”
Last Sunday, both Monic and I spoke in the Apeldoorn Stake Conference. I chose to speak on a question that is regularly posed to our missionaries, “During the past month, how have you seen the hand of the Lord in your work?”
In my talk, I shared a few quotes from a number of different missionaries in response to that question.
Regularly, in my daily journal writing I also record experiences that are simply beyond mere coincidence.
Quite frankly, in recent months I have seen this manifest…. constantly.
President Thomas S. Monson said, “When we are on the Lord’s errand, we are entitled to the Lord’s help.”


In my personal library of good books, one of my favourites is “Divine Signatures.”
Author Gerald N. Lund learned that with the Lord, there are no coincidences, only sacred autographs.
“Sometimes the Lord sends his blessings in such a highly unusual way, dramatic or precisely timed manner, that it might be likened to a ‘divine signature,'” Lund writes. “It is as though the Lord ‘signs’ the blessing personally so that we will know with certainty that it comes from him. In doing so, God not only gives his blessing, but at the same time he strengthens our faith and deepens our testimony of him.”
I want to share my testimony of that (and I am choosing my words carefully) – 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭.
I am now a witness to the fact that, day in, day out, week in, week out, I see tender mercies of the Lord Jesus Christ and His divine signature manifest in the details of our missionary service, it is His confirming hand.
The Lord’s signature is in the details.
Yesterday, I had a personal testimony of another one to add to the list of a multitude of others.
A faith filled conversation in the morning, a faith filled action in the afternoon, manifest a remarkable coincidence or in essence a divine signature of the Lord only a few hours later in the evening.
And the result?
Another sure witness that The Lord is in the details of each of our lives.
I hope that we can all recognise the hand of the Lord in our lives and in everything around us.
Exercise your faith in Him, stop, pause and reflect, then ask yourself “how have I seen the Lord’s hand in my life today?”