Tag Archive for: April showers

Brolly to the ready

The Dutch love to talk about the weather.
I believe it to be one of their most beloved national pastimes. 😊
…At least that’s what it seems like to me!
And these last few weeks, one thing has dominated lots of conversations.
“April showers” is a well-used phrase that is engrained in our culture – there have been many of late.
It seems to have rained and rained and rained constantly this month.
As a Scot, I am all too familiar with it too!
Recently, my umbrella has been particularly useful.
The fact is, Dutch weather is indeed mild, damp, and windy.
It is comparable to my homeland.
Similarly, in life we have all experienced showers, or seasons of gloominess and sadness.
Sometimes I grumble a little about the rain. You probably do too.
What could be “right about rain?”
Yet, I love the hopeful phrase “right as rain” implying that everything is satisfactory.
Then, I remember that rain is essential for new growth.
April showers help much more than just May flowers.
Spring is a time of renewal and regeneration as things long thought dead, once again spring into a newness of life.
In a like manner, spring is also a time of reenergizing ourselves.
Rain brings 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆.
In Ezekiel 34:26 we read; “And I will make them and the places round about my hill a blessing, and I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing…”
Just like this scripture, we are reminded that even the most unpleasant of things, in this case the heavy rains of April, can bring forth great showers, even an abundance of blessings.
Because of Him, I know that the same God that gives us rain also gives us sunshine.
There are always intermittent rays of sunshine to brighten our days, they’re called missionaries! 😊
Watch carefully, the weather always changes.
Maybe it is time to change your outlook.
There is sunshine ahead!