Tag Archive for: actions
Elevate Your Thoughts
Eagles and Crows.
Your Thoughts
As a Man Thinketh
My question then is…
Do you act or react?
A big stick!
You’re safe, I’m not going to hit you with this big stick!
Do you remember the Stephen Covey quote “When you pick up one end of the stick, you pick up the other.”
Many years ago, whilst walking home with our golden Labrador Shane, he found a big stick and was determined to carry it all the way home. A fence with a narrow opening became a massive problem for Shane. Carrying the stick, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get through, as the stick was longer than the narrow opening in the fence. Several attempts at manoeuvring his head and his body in different directions, proved unsuccessful – he couldn’t do it. Eventually, I took the stick from his mouth, carried it through the fence and gave it back to him on the other side.
I have never forgotten that experience with Shane. I remember watching him try over and over again. It was only when I intervened, was the obstacle overcome.
So it is with all of our choices in life.
We are free to choose our actions – “you pick up one end of the stick” but if we think that those choices are simply isolated to us alone – we are mistaken “you [also] pick up the other [end of the stick]”.
Both ends of the stick came with Shane that day. The consequences quickly followed.
What are the consequences of whatever “stick” you choose to action and pick up today?
Do you see?
Are you quick to observe?
It was 1972 – one Sunday morning, I was a youngster and I’d determined not to go to Church with the other members of my family. Apparently, I had a bit of a reputation for running away on Sunday mornings and hung out with other friends. However, as I remember it, toward the end of the service that day, I’d walked in, sat down on a chair, and fell asleep!
The distance from our home at the time to Church was several miles and back then we’d take the bus. I recall being asked “How did you manage to find your way here?” I replied “I just walked along the route the bus took!” Little did I know then, as I do now that, “the route the bus took” was anything but direct, and added at least 2 miles on the journey!
As a young child, observation was a key learning outcome – and so it is in life. Had I not been observant on my previous bus journeys – I’d never have reached my destination that day. When we are quick to observe, we promptly look or notice and obey.
Dennis Waitley said “we learn by observation, imitation and repetition”
There are lots of examples of observational learning. Pay close attention to all that goes on today, pause, reflect and observe – you’ll soon see what I mean!
The inner chimp
What happened to Rory McIlroy? Day 1, destruction +8, Day 2, brilliance -6, how can that be?
Yesterday, I was out golfing for the first time in nearly 2 years. It was a lot of fun. I wasn’t expecting too much – and that was exactly what happened! But I got to thinking about the challenges of what goes on in our thoughts, that directly affect our actions.
In The Chimp Paradox, Dr. Steve Peters illustrates the neuroscience behind the complex inner workings of the brain. According to Peters, we all have three parts to our brains. One being an “inner Chimp,” playing havoc with our rational thoughts and our emotional reactions, in a wrestling match over dominance when under pressure. Our inner Chimp is impulsive, it can impair our actions with self doubt & fear, chattering away in our heads with unwanted thoughts creating inner turmoil and potentially overwhelming the rational brain. When the Chimp is allowed to rule our thinking by having lots of fun, we can self-destruct. Day 1 perhaps? Rory talked about “pressure” with The Open being back in N. Ireland – at the same time holding the course record at Portrush since he was 16 years old.
Overnight – control returns.
Day 2 – The two other parts of the brain, namely the “human” and “computer” kick in and take control. In the human arena, the rational, compassionate and humane Rory resurface, he smiles and jokes with the crowd. Memory banks for reference filled with all sorts of automatic strokes of success kick in, as the computer is switched on again. Rory’s back, but sadly its not quite enough.
How do your thoughts affect your actions?