Tag Archive for: accrediation

Accreditation, Certification and Experience

Recently, I was asked; “What is your coaching certification again please?”

In response I stated, “I have an ILM Level 5 Diploma in Coaching & Mentoring.”

“You don’t have 𝐞𝐱𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 certification then…more of our clients require 𝐞𝐱𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 certification now…” came the reply.

And thus, my soul searching, research and many conversations began.

My ILM Level 5 required 100 hours of coaching, 3 x assessments, 5 days of workshops and a whole host of other requirements too.

Here I am, ten years after being certified by the ILM, looking again at what options were available to gain an ILM Level 7 Certificate or Diploma in Executive Coaching and Mentoring.

The executive certificate is 20 hours of coaching, the executive diploma is 60 hours of coaching, both with 3 x assessments and 4 or 5 days of workshops either online or face to face.

Both involved spending anywhere between £2.5K and £6K, to gain the certification.

I looked at other options with the AOEC, the ICF and the EMCC.

I started to add up not only the monetary costs, but the opportunity costs and the time and commitment it was going to take me to get the word “𝐞𝐱𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞” on my certification.

Thoughts around the sunk cost fallacy started to play into my mind.

I considered how much future business I’d lose, if I don’t have that word in my certification.

Time to pause and reflect…

“Was it worth all the effort and expense?” I thought.

Whilst all of this was going on, I had the most wonderful conversation with my former coaching Supervisor, who brought me back to reality…

“I wouldn’t underestimate the value of your Level 5 diploma,” said Gwynneth.

“And remember the ‘curriculum’ and structure of the L7 are not so different after all.”

Suddenly it all started to make sense.

For ten years and more, I’ve accumulated some nearly 8,000+ hours of one-one coaching, team coaching and mentoring.

I’ve coached throughout the leadership pipeline, from members of the Board, Chief executives, Managing Directors, Senior Managers, Middle & Junior Managers, to top talent and future leaders.

I’ve designed, delivered and facilitated global coaching programmes online and face to face.

Whatever way you look at it, that’s a heck of a lot of experience.

I’ve had numerous expressions of thanks, and I’ve received many testimonials too.

I had a choice to make, which included doing nothing at all, by simply carrying on as before.

I actually didn’t need to expend several thousands of pounds to get another word in my diploma, I have more than enough experience already.

Other Options?

But perhaps there was another option.

“Is there any other way to show my experience…” I thought.

And then the penny dropped.

I’ve been a member of the Association for Coaching for the last ten years.

I’d even attended many of their workshops/learning sessions either online or face to face.

So, I explored becoming a “Fellow” of the Association which recognises for a small additional annual cost, the experience that I’d gained over all those years.

Subsequently, I am pleased to say that I am now a “Fellow of the Association for Coaching”, which credits me for the many years of professional experience and contributions to the world of coaching and mentoring that I have made.

If you are one of those many coaches out there, where some clients are demanding the word “executive” in your credentials, before you make any rash, expensive decisions, perhaps you should think again.

Fellow Certificate_Daryl Watson