Holy Oats!
Arising early, there is an icy chill in the air.
It’s a sure sign that winter has arrived.
I love my morning ritual of preparing my porridge oats…
Porridge is one of the healthiest ways to start your day.
Weighing 55 grams of good quality oats, I then add 325ml of creamy oat milk.
Soaking the oats to allow them to soften and absorb the milk for a while, is key.
Then, I place the mixture over a gentle heat, stirring continuously with a wooden spoon, allowing the porridge to warm and bubble.
I’ve learned that the simmering unlocks the full flavour of the porridge.
It’s a slow and steady process that cannot be rushed.
The result, as the oats and milk gradually become one, they transform into a creamy delicious porridge.
A sprinkling of fruit, then a drizzle of maple syrup adds the final touch, creating a warming and satisfying dish.
Shock, horror, agog – “no salt!!?” – I hear my fellow Scots shout!
There are few things more comforting than a steaming bowl of Scots porridge oats!
I love it!
I’ve found, that a well-made bowl of porridge somehow brings me real satisfaction and energy for the day ahead.
Just as porridge fills and warms me right through on a chilly winter’s morning, I know that Christ’s love and His light sustains, warms and nourishes our souls, especially as our focus returns to Him during the Christmas season.
I know too, that a well-lived life centred on Jesus Christ brings joy and purpose that can carry us through all seasons, even the coldest and darkest of winter days.
It’s my experience that when the warmth of His light stirs within us, slowly but surely, we can all become more like Him.
Likewise, as my morning porridge warms me through, Christ’s light warms the soul, lifting our spirits and spreading peace, hope and joy.
Just as the simmering slowly transforms oats into something nourishing, His light refines and strengthens us daily.
What small daily rituals help you feel sustained and uplifted, both physically and spiritually?