One cube or two?
That’s a question I’ve asked myself several times recently.
Most mornings for the last 4 weeks, I have added three teaspoons of honey to a mug of hot water.
Following my heavy cold, I’ve had an annoying cough that has lingered way too long!
One morning, in an effort to increase the efficacy of my magic healing concoction, I decided it may be a good idea to add a sugar cube.
One or two I thought?
One morning I tried one.
The next morning, I tried two.
And the result of my experiment?
Sadly, it didn’t help my cough, it only made feel a little guilty about adding more sugar to something that was already sweet.
The next morning, it was back to honey only.
We all make hundreds of decisions every day, some big and some small.
While some of these choices turn out great, chances are that not every decision will be a good one.
We’ve all made choices that we wish we hadn’t.
We all make mistakes, plenty of them in fact.
We never really lose anything when we make mistakes, maybe we do gain experience, hopefully some wisdom and perhaps some compassion for others when they make similar errors.
Bad decisions aren’t all that bad after all, especially if we learn from them.
In fact, you can benefit from all your previous bad choices right now.
And the lesson learned?
Honey is sweet enough!
Every wrong decision has a lesson to teach.
It can be painful to examine your wrong choices.
Do you know what’s even more painful though?
Making the same mistake again.
What have you learned from your unwise choices?
#choices #decisions