
As a youngster, I was always picking up a new sport, entering a race, or trying out for a new team.

Somehow, in my first year at high school, I managed to qualify for the 100 metres hurdles at our annual schools sports day at the local athletics stadium.

My hurdling technique was limited at best, and yet I made it to the final.

I gave it my all that day, but ended up finishing in last place.

That was the end of my hurdling career! However, I did end up playing football, rugby, basketball and badminton through my high school years, enjoying a fair bit of success and failure too in many of the team sports.

The key to success in my sports journey was having highly effective coaches to help us all along the way.

I have fond recollections of the enthusiastic guidance Mr Montgomery and Mr Galbraith provided on many occasions.

In a similar manner, I feel extraordinarily blessed to do something I love every day.

As a qualified coach and recently recognised as a fellow by the Association of Coaching I have regular opportunities to help people along their way in their personal life or professional development.

Life has a great tendency to keep raising the hurdles that come along.

Yet, experience has taught me that working with a coach can help overcome any obstacles.

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