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Touched – First Hand

Many years ago, shortly after graduating from University, I was working in a sales role.
One day, my colleague and I visited a key client.
We had been trying to close a large sales opportunity for a while.
It was proving to be difficult to reach agreement with our client.
We’d negotiated on a whole range of different requirements, yet more objections kept arising.

Reaching out…

Finally, having answered many questions, and sensing there were even more coming, I leaned across the table to the main buyer, I touched her subtly on the wrist, looked her straight in the eye and said, “Everything is going to be just fine.”
In the moment, it just felt like the right thing to do.
It was a risky manoeuvre! Probably even more so today.
Yet – it changed her.
The message was simply “trust me.”
She was comforted and reassured.
In response, she took me by the hand, looked me in the eye and said “Deal!”
Touch is a powerful sensation, a universal language, and that day, was quite profound.
Being touched physically is one thing, but to be touched in your heart by the power of the Holy Ghost, is quite another.
It is a powerful sensation, a universal language that is always subtle, quite profound, comforting and reassuring.

Touched – when?

I have felt the touch of the Holy Ghost first hand, on many occasions in my life.
– When I kneel to pray
– As I study and ponder the scriptures
– When a missionary shares their witness of Jesus Christ
– As I listen to beautiful inspiring music
– When I partake of the Sacrament
– Upon visiting the House of the Lord
– Giving a blessing to someone for comfort, counsel or healing
– Attending a baptismal service
– Through a kind act of compassionate service
– Teaching a lesson with the missionaries.
“And by the power of the Holy Ghost, ye can know the truth of all things.” – Moroni 10:5
The tender touch of the Holy Ghost softens your heart and soul.
He can touch your heart too – first hand.
Ask the missionaries to help you understand the universal language of the Holy Ghost.