Things of My Soul
Ever since I received my first blank diary on Christmas day, 1977, I have enjoyed journaling.
Recording activities, thoughts and feelings has become a daily habit.
Over the years, my journals have become a constant companion in my life. Like Nephi in the Book of Mormon, he records, “And upon these things I write the things of my soul”. (2 Nephi 4:15)
Recently, I have been very mindful about not only nourishing my soul, but also helping each of the missionaries to nourish their souls.
What is your soul?
The scriptures teach that “the spirit and the body are the soul of man” (D&C 88:15)
Yesterday, whilst attending a funeral service my soul was stirred, comforted, and cheered on through beautiful words, uplifting music, a gentle tearful embrace and by tenderly holding hands.
I felt God’s love, in the depths of my soul.
It was peaceful, elegant, and divine.
I felt safe and secure.
God’s love entered my heart and filled me with hope.
He is anxious for all of us to feel His love, wherever we are.
In a like manner, working so closely with young missionaries from all over the world, teaching moments occur daily for each of them as they discover the things of their souls.
My heart is filled with a great love for each of them, as they come to understand the things of their own souls.
They are eager to learn and hungry for soul stirring nourishment.
They have many questions.
Teaching moments come frequently, as I sit and discuss with them the things of their souls.
Just as we need food and water to nourish our bodies to survive physically, we also need the gospel of Jesus Christ to feed us to survive spiritually.
Where do you record the things of your soul?
Is your soul inquiring after some spiritual nourishment?
Then, why not speak with one of the missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Each one of them know a bit about the things of their souls.
They can help feed, nourish and illuminate yours.